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Now that you've completed the "Zippy Tutorial", read this unsolicited (and real) e-mail from a previously perplexed Zippy reader------proof that you, too, can----UNDERSTAND ZIPPY!!!

I have changed my mind- I love Zippy now!
Wed, 3 Apr 2002 16:15:10 EST

Hi, Mr. Griffith. I must profess that when I first moved to No. Va. and began
reading the 'Washington Post," I absolutely hated your strip. I was convinced
that it was one of the worst ones I had ever seen. Now, 3 years later, after
looking at for several months before letting it grow on me, I can honestly
say I LOVE the strip. It is usually the first one I read, and it has helped
me get over the departure of "LIberty Meadows." Ironically, my ex boss whom I
used to like- now absolutely hate, gave me an autographed copy of one of your
books from the late '80s. You are a remarkable artist and genius! I really
apprciate your vision and your remarkable talent. I am an acquitance of the
new 'snuffy smith' artist John Rose, who lives in Harrisonburg, Va. So, I
know how tough it is to produce a good strip on a daily basis. I really like
the way you weave roadside attractions in each strip. I am from Roanoke, Va.,
and I loved your series of strips which revolved around Bedford. Continued
success, and my apologies for not jumping on the bandwagon sooner!

Tilly Gokbudak in Edinburg, Va.